Master give us determination to change what we can change, serenity to support what don´t depend on us to change & wisdom to know the difference between two situations.ºReinhold Niebuhrº

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Little Girls Santa Clause assesments

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Mom's sisters

Mrs Rosa, Marisa, Maria, Marli& her daughter Gaby, Cristiane, Rafaela(Cristiane's daughter)with my Mom. Posted by Picasa

Mom and her godson

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Silent night

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Silent Night
Reflexive time
Missing lovely people
Who passed away.
Silence time, lovely songs,
Blessed hours.
Jesus's birthday!

Rosa, me , Dione Posted by Picasa


Le Monde de Narnia : chapitre 1 conte la lutte entre le bien et le mal qui oppose le magnifique lion Aslan aux forces des ténèbres dans le monde magique de Narnia. Grâce à ses sombres pouvoirs, la Sorcière Blanche a plongé Narnia dans un hiver qui dure depuis un siècle, mais une prédiction révèle que quatre enfants aideront Aslan à rompre la malédiction. Lorsque Lucy, Susan, Edmund et Peter Pevensie, quatre frères et soeurs, découvrent ce monde enchanté en y pénétrant à travers une armoire, tout est en place pour une bataille de proportions épiques...

Cousin Luiza at Turkey

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Silent Night _ Merry Christmas

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S. Tereze

Uncle Gilson
, hun i think he lost his santa clause wear. Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 26, 2005


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Missed uncle Joanides&Maria Helena

cousin Daniel Posted by Picasa

Little pray

Well i did a pray and this time was big, cause i have been praid to see tutti, all the family togheter and here were. Thank u GOD, your goodwill. Posted by Picasa

Aunt Josefina and her delicious

als o Was there Leniata's eggs of frogs? Posted by Picasa

aunt Jaci & Mon Rosemari

Jaci means moon in Tupy Guarani. Posted by Picasa

Godfather,dad, grandfa

LOl Posted by Picasa


My godfather ...sucking mango lol Dad&granfa Jorge&Sebastião at mango meeting. Posted by Picasa

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Me, Carol& uncle Josmário's back. Posted by Picasa

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Me, Lua & Rafa

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http:// Posted by Picasa

Cousin Jorge Luiz and his bro Rafael

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Lets to kill the BUG

Where is set bug?
Merry Christmas. Posted by Picasa